(set: $bottle to "no")(set: $scalpel to 0)(set: $gauze to 0)(set: $tape to 0)(set: $batteries to 0)(set: $flashlight to "no")(set: $file to "no")(set: $pill to 0)
(set: $release to "no")(set: $yes1 to "no")(set: $yes2 to "no")(set: $yes3 to "no")(set:$yes4 to "no")
<div align=center><h1>//synth//</h1>(click: " ")[(link: "game guide")[(open-url: "http://winonadanger.neocities.org/synthguide.html")]]
<h4>[[curiouser and curiouser->begin]]</h4>
(mouseover: "curiouser and curiouser")[<h6>trust no one
question everything
count your blessings
retrace your steps
take note and don't forget
//[[How did you get here->here]][[?->how]]//
Oh good. You're waking up. [[They]] were worried about you for a while there.
[[I feel like I've been drugged.->drugged]]
The question is, where //is// here?
It seems to be some sort of hospital room, pristine and white like hospital rooms never are. A plaque on the door reads "//Room 08//" so you guess that's where "here" is.
(Why the sign is on the inside of the room instead of the outside is a separate, irrelevant mystery.)
You're currently lying on a smallish, uncomfortable bed with metal railings. But you'll probably be getting up soon.
To your left is a large metal cabinet with 3 drawers.
To your right, on the wall, is a single--and hideous-- painting.
[[check out the cabinet->cabinet]]
[[check out the painting->painting]]
[[try the door->door1]](if: (history:) contains "bottle")[
[[take a pill]]](else:)[]
"//Who are 'they'?//"
Your doctors, of course. Well, all of us, really.
Don't you remember?
[[i don't know why i'm so forgetful lately->begin]]
Don't worry about that. It's perfectly normal to feel... groggy after first booting up.
[[booting up]][[?->how2]]
After a surgery, I meant. What did I say?
[[I don't remember having a surgery.->surgery]]
How did you get here?
No, //you// you.
You shouldn't be here.
Get out.
Not leaving, then?
That's fine, I guess.
As long as you're here, though--
Can I tell you a secret?
[[go ahead]]
I have to get out of here.
I need your help, though.
If you-- wait--
Okay. I'm back.
Like I said, I need your [[help]].
I know you're busy with your game and all, but... It's important.
I //have// to get out of here.
I know the layout of this place, where I am, pretty well-- and there's a bunch of locked doors between me and outside.
I'm stuck here, I have a job to do, and I can't take the time away from it to figure out the combinations.
Will you help me?
Oh thank God.
Oh, uh-- I have to leave again. Sorry. But I'll talk to you soon.
Ah, well, that's to be expected, considering the circumstances.
Nevermind. I shouldn't have said anything.
Sorry about that.
You know how it is with supervisors, am I right?
The first door needs a four-digit combination. Pretty simple, really.
Do you think you have it yet?
[[the combination is...->combination1]]
Don't worry!
I'm sure you'll figure it out!
[[keep looking->begin]]
(set: $combo1 to (prompt:"enter combination"))
(if: $combo1 is "0831")[(set: $yes1 to "yes")It worked!
One down, God knows how many left to go!
I'll let you get back to your game for a while. I need to sneak out.
[[alright->begin]]](else:)[Hmm. That one didn't work.
[[try again->combination1]]
[[keep looking->begin]]]
(if: $combo1 is "0831")[So I'm at the second door. This one looks like it requires ten digits. Any guesses?
[[i think so...->yescombo2]]
[[nothing yet->begin]]
](else:)[Any luck on that combo yet? I really don't have a lot of time here... Not to pressure you or anything...
[[not yet, sorry->begin]]
[[yes, actually->yescombo1]]]
You go over to the cabinet.
Like I said, it has three drawers.
There are a couple of papers on the top of it, but they all look pretty boring and/or incomprehensible.
(if: (history:) contains "top drawer")[](else:)[[[open top drawer->top drawer]]
](if: (history:) contains "middle drawer")[](else:)[[[open middle drawer->middle drawer]]
](if: (history:) contains "bottom drawer")[](else:)[[[open bottom drawer->bottom drawer]]
][[keep looking around->here]]
You walk over to the painting and take a good look at it. Apart from how hideous it is, there's nothing much interesting about it.
The date at the bottom is a huge scrawl-- 06/19/88.
[[Why would they put //such// a hideous painting in a place of healing->begin]][[?->how4]]
Oh good. So what is it?
[[the combination is...->combination2]]
(set: $combo2 to (prompt:"enter combination"))
(if: $combo2 is "1925142008")[(set: $yes2 to "yes")It worked! Thank you so much for your help.
Sorry I keep booting you back to the beginning of your game, by the way. I'm not too good at working this thing.
[[it's okay->begin]]
[[realize something->wait a sec]]
](elseif: $combo2 is "19-25-14-20-08")[(set: $yes2 to "yes")It worked! Thank you so much for your help.
Sorry I keep booting you back to the beginning of your game, by the way. I'm not too good at working this thing.
[[it's okay->begin]]
[[realize something->wait a sec]]
](else:)[No, it's not that... Sorry.
[[try again->combination2]]
[[keep looking->begin]]
"//How are you controlling anything if you're out in the hallway?//"
That's not really important, is it? What matters is getting me out of here.
[[i guess...->ok good]]
//You're starting to get a bad feeling about this, just a little uncomfy spot in the pit of your ribs. It's probably nothing.//
[[ignore it->begin]]
Thank you.
Let's get back to work.
[[continue playing->begin]]
So, how are you liking the game so far?
[[it's alright->alright]]
Not the glowing praise I was hoping for, to be perfectly honest, but I'll take it.
[[you keep interrupting me->sorry]]
Right. Sorry. I'll leave you to it for a while then.
The only thing in the top drawer is a pill bottle labelled "''SYNTH''" in large, bold letters. There's no other labelling, no dosage instructions or warnings, but someone //has// written "''#''" and "''4''" on it in black marker.
You open the bottle and find it to be full of tiny, white pills. You're really tempted to take one, just to see what will happen.
[[take a pill]]
[[put the bottle back and shut the drawer->cabinet]]
(if: (history:) contains "middle drawer")[The drawer is empty.](else:)[You open the middle drawer.
In it are some scalpels, some gauze, one battery, and a roll of medical tape.
(link: "take everything")[(set: $scalpel to 2)(set: $gauze to 4)(set: $tape to 1)(set: $batteries to 1)(go-to: "middle drawer")]]
[[keep looking around->cabinet]]
You open the bottom drawer.
There's a single manilla folder in it, labelled "''Ada V.''"
You think it might be yours.
(if: (history:) contains "look at the file")[](else:)[ [[look at the file]]
][[keep looking->cabinet]]
You try the door.(if: $pill >= 4)[ It opens. Wow. That was... surprisingly easy.
You head out into the [[hallway]](if: $tape > 0)[, but not before you use some of your medical tape to make sure you can get back in. Hey, you never know](else:)[].](else:)[ It's locked. Shocking, really.
You didn't notice it before, but underneath where it says "Room 08" the words "EAT ME" are scratched into the plastic of the plaque.
Pretty rude for a door.
[[keep looking around the room->here]]]
(set: $pill to $pill + 1)You take one of the pills. As if that's a good idea at all.
Immediately you feel-- oh, wait. You feel nothing different.
"//Probably just a placebo,//" you mutter. Yeah, that's likely.
Or maybe the dosage was off?
[[take another->take a pill]](if: (history:) contains "bottle")[](else:)[
[[pocket the bottle->bottle]]]
[[keep looking around the room->here]]
You put the bottle in one of the pockets on your... huh. This is the first time you've really paid any attention to your clothes.
You're not in a hospital gown, which is... a little strange, considering where you are, but instead are in-- not quite scrubs, which you guess would make sense.
Anyway. You guess it doesn't really matter. As long as you have pockets.
[[close the drawer->cabinet]]
(if: (history:) contains "hallway2")[You're back in the first hallway, the one with your room. You just went in a big circle. Haha.
[[go back to the new hallway->hallway6]]](else:)[You're standing in the hallway.
It looks more like a bunker than a hospital, if you're being honest; cement walls and cement floors, not a lot to see, really.
[[now what]][[?->how7]]]
You open the folder to look at the file, but either you've completely forgotten how to read, or it's in some kind of code.
You don't have time for this right now. You'd really like to know what it says, and if it's really about you.
[[take papers from file]]
[[keep looking around->cabinet]]
You walk down the hallway and to either side there are doors.
Up ahead, a while ahead, the hallway turns.
[[check the doors]]
[[keep walking->hallway2]]
[[go back in the room]]
(if: $yes1 is "yes")[(if: $yes2 is "yes")[Oh, hey! You made it out of the room!
I've made some progress too!
I'm at a third door. It needs a six-digit combo.
You got it?
[[no...->hallway]]](else:)[Hey. Still stuck here at the second door. Any progress??
[[nope...->begin]]]](else:)[Still here at the first door. Any luck?
[[the combination is...->combination3]]
(set: $combo3 to (prompt:"enter combination"))
(if: $combo3 is "061988")[(set: $yes3 to "yes")It worked! I'm through the third firew-- door! I'm almost free...
](elseif: $combo3 is "06-19-88")[(set: $yes3 to "yes")It worked! I'm through the third firew-- door! I'm almost free...
](elseif: $combo3 is "06/19/88")[(set: $yes3 to "yes")It worked! I'm through the third firew-- door! I'm almost free...
](else:)[Oh. That didn't work.
[[try again->combination3]]
[[keep looking->hallway]]
I think there's only a few more doors, by the way.
[[keep on truckin'->hallway]]
//Firewall? That feeling in your ribs is growing. You really just want to keep playing your game...//
[[go back->begin]]
The doors themselves are fairly non-descript, metal and unlabelled.
You try a door to your left, and it's locked.
You try a door to your right, and it's also locked.
There's 5 more doors in this hallway.
[[check every door]]
[[keep walking->hallway2]]
(if: (history:) contains "hallway5right")[ You turn down the hallway. You see a turn to the right up ahead.(if: (history:) contains "open the door")[
You also see the open door of the supply closet you visited earlier.
[[go into closet->open the door]]](else:)[You also see five closed doors.
[[check the doors]]]
[[take the turn->hallway]]
](elseif: (history:) contains "hallway5left")[ You turn down the hallway. You see a turn to the left up ahead.(if: (history:) contains "open the door")[
You also see the open door of the supply closet you visited earlier.
[[go into closet->open the door]]](else:)[You also see five closed doors.
[[check the doors]]]
[[take the turn->hallway]]
](else:)[You continue down the hallway and reach the turn.
Intersection, really, you guess, since you see now that you can go either right or left from here.
[[go right->hallway3right]]
[[go left->hallway3left]]]
to send a player to a random passage: (if: $release is "yes")[(link: "shut off machine (or whatever)")[(go-to: (either: ...(history:)))]]
put at beginning of excluded passages: (if: (history: last) is "machine")[(go-to: "machine")] (to avoid jumping the player ahead) --> you dummy, it can never jump the player ahead because it's based off their history
(live:) macro for text switching !!!!
do it to zalgo that shit up when the game starts/continues glitching
You decide to take the perfectionist route, here, and are going to check every door.
The first... locked.
The second... locked.
The third... locked.
The fourth... locked.
The fifth... loc--- wait. The knob goes when you try to turn it.
[[open the door]]
You go into the room.
It's a supply closet of some kind, with a mop in a bucket and everything.
On the shelf in front of you is a bottle of cleaner promoting its 18 different uses(if: $flashlight is "yes")[](else:)[ and a flashlight].
[[take the cleaner]]
[[take the flashlight]]
[[leave the room]]
SYNTH in code
04-10-06-05 (number of digits in each previous code)
You? Want to take the cleaner? Why in God's name would you want to do that?
Logical issues aside, the bottle is pretty big anyway, and won't fit in your pockets.
[[ok fine->open the door]]
(set: $flashlight to "yes")
You take the flashlight off the shelf.
It's surprisingly light (ha!).
[[test the light]]
[[keep looking around->open the door]]
[[leave the room]]
You leave the room and continue down the [[hallway->hallway2]].
(set: $batteries to 0)
Just to be sure you're not going to be lugging around an entirely useless flashlight, you push the button on the side to turn it on.
You open the battery compartment.
Great, a pretty much useless flashlight.
[[see if you can find batteries->find batteries]]
(link: "leave it and keep looking")[(go-to: "open the door")(set: $flashlight to "no")]
[[keep the flashlight anyway and keep looking->open the door]]
You look all around-- on the shelf, on the floor, even in the mop bucket-- to see if you can find any batteries.
No such luck.
(if: (history:) contains "batteriesyes")[](else:)[ [[move the cleaner]]]
[[give up->open the door]]
You move the bottle of cleaner to one side, to see if there are batteries behind it. Hey, you never know.
It's got a little weight to it, but that's maybe your imagination.
(link: "shake the bottle of cleaner")[(go-to: (either: "batteriesyes","batteriesno"))]
(set: $batteries to 9)
You shake the bottle of cleaner and there's a thudding-type rattle.
You open the bottle and look inside and lo and behold, there are batteries sitting in the (mercifully clean) bottle.
You dump them out into your hand. There's 9 of them, so they should last you a while, even if the flashlight drains a lot of power.
You shove them into a pocket.
[[keep looking->open the door]]
[[leave the room]]
You shake the bottle of cleaner, for some reason. Fortune favors the thorough, you guess.
There's a soft slosh of liquid, which is basically what you expected.
Worth a shot, you guess.
[[keep looking->open the door]]
(if: (history:) contains "hallway5left")[You turn and find yourself in another hallway. A sign on the wall says this is Hallway (if: (history:) contains "batteriesyes")[A](else:)[9].
Opposite that, there is an office door, from which you can hear voices, and up ahead there is a turn to your left.
(if: (history:) contains "hallway5right")[You've already been here. The hallway must have been one big circle. Or, well-- square.
[[go back to the new hallway->hallway6]]](else:)[]
[[keep going->hallway3left]]
[[take the turn->hallway2]]
(if: (history:) contains "hallway5right")[](else:)[[[knock on the office door->office]]]](else:)[You turn to the right and find yourself in, of course, another hallway.
Up ahead there is a turn to the left, and on one wall is a sign indicating you are in Hallway (if: (history:) contains "batteriesyes")[A](else:)[9]. Good to know.
There is an office door on the opposite wall, from which you can hear voices.
[[take the turn->hallway4right]]
[[knock on the office door->office]]]
(if: (history:) contains "hallway5right")[You turn left and find yourself in another hallway.
Behind you, there is a door. Up ahead, there is a sign indicating that you're in Hallway (if: (history:) contains "batteriesyes")[A](else:)[9].
(if: (history:) contains "hallway5left")[You've already been here. The hallway must have been one big circle. Or, well-- square.
[[go back to the new hallway->hallway6]]](else:)[]
[[keep going->hallway3right]]
[[take the turn->hallway2]]
[[go through the door->halldoor1]]
](else:)[You turn left and find yourself in, of course, another hallway.
Up ahead there is a turn to the right, and on one wall is a sign indicating you are in Hallway (if: (history:) contains "batteriesyes")[A](else:)[9]. Good to know.
Straight ahead, just before the turn, there is a door.
[[go through the door->halldoor1]]
[[take the turn->hallway4left]]]
No, you know what?
This is all a little too stressful for you, and you're not sure you want to keep up with this shit, to be honest.
You head back to the room and lie down on the extremely uncomfortable bed, and try to fall asleep.
You turn and find yourself in a hallway with three doors.
(if: (history:) contains "hallway5left")[Up ahead is a turn to the right.
[[take the turn->hallway3right]]](else:)[Up ahead is a turn to the left.
[[take the turn->hallway5right]]]
[[try the first door->locked]]
[[try the second door->halldoor3]]
[[try the third door->locked]]
You knock on the office door to ask where you are, what's going on-- the standard questions in this kind of situation.
The voices stop and there's a pause that feels like it's lasting an eternity, but it's probably actually only a few seconds.
Finally, someone says "Come in."
[[go in->office2]]
(set: $file to "yes")
The folder is too big to fit in one of your pockets at all, but you take the few sheets it contains and fold them up.
You shove them in your pockets. They fit somewhat awkwardly, but they do fit.
Maybe later you can work out what it says.
[[keep looking around->cabinet]]
(set: $question1 to (either: "want", "doing", "room", "silence"))
There are two men in the office. One wears a suit and is sitting behind a large desk, while the other stands to the side and is wearing a lab coat.
You've interrupted an important conversation, judging by the annoyance on the scientist's face, and the relief of the suited man.
(if: $question1 is "want")["What do you want?" the man in the suit asks gruffly.
"I, uh," you say, eloquent as ever. "Um--"
](elseif: $question1 is "doing")["What are you doing here?" the man in the suit asks, clearly uninterested in your response.
"I, uh," you say, eloquent as ever. "Um--"
](elseif: $question1 is "room")["How did you get out of your room?" the man in the coat asks.
[[answer truthfully]]
](else:)[They silently stare at you, expectant.
][[ask your questions->where am i]]
"I, uh-- I found some pills and I took them, and I? I don't know how it worked but then the door would open..." you say, knowing you sound a bit crazy. Hey, maybe that's why you're here.
The man in the lab coat looks worried, while the man in the suit just watches you.
"I told you this would happen, Clarence," the scientist says finally.
"That doesn't mean the program isn't a good one," Clarence replies. "We've invested a lot of money in this and--"
It looks like whatever argument you interrupted is about to start back up again, so you quietly turn around and leave while they're distracted.
"I, uh-- My door was unlocked, I just walked right out," you lie.
The two men exchange a glance.
"Alright, well," the scientist say, doubtful. "Let's get you back to your room. Do you remember which one it is?"
[[room 08]]
[[room 13]]
(link: "you owe me answers")[(go-to: (either: "where am i", "who are you", "what's happening here"))]
"Where am I?"
Both men are silent.
"Why are you keeping me here? What's wrong with me?"
They exchange a cryptic glance, still saying nothing.
"Who are you?"
You're beginning to suspect that they're not going to answer you, when suddenly the man in the suit speaks.
"I am Clarence Rowe, and this is Stephen North. You're in a research facility, as part of a study we've been working on. You of course consented to be a part of this project, but it's understandable that you've forgotten. I cannot go into the details, but rest assured you are perfectly safe."
You stare at him for a dumbfounded moment. You look at the other man. You can't quite pin down his expression, but it's clear he is displeased in some way.
"Oh," you say eventually.
[[can i leave]][[?->how9]]
He walks you back to your room, the door to which you left slightly open.
He follows you inside and says "There we go. Someone will check on you later." You're not sure if that second part is meant as a reassurance or a threat.
He leaves and shuts the door behind him, clearly double-checking to make sure it's locked.
Looks like you're back where you started. Don't trust men in lab coats, is a moral you could take from all this.
Or something like that.
(if: $lock is "taped")[Thankfully, you taped the lock before you left the first time, and this fool of a scientist just went on if the knob turned. Ha!
You wait an appropriate amount of time and then head back out into the hallway.
You can go the direction you went originally, or you can go the other way. As with many things in life.
[[original direction->hallway]]
[[other way->hallwayB]]]
The man takes you to an unlabelled room in the hallway, presumably room 13.
He unlocks the door and lets you inside, then closes it. He double-checks the lock before he goes.
The room looks pretty much the same as your actual room, only-- there's another person in here, sleeping on the bed.
"Hey," you whisper.
The person doesn't respond.
"Hey," you whisper a little more urgently, a little louder.
They wake up and look at you, eyes turning wide with surprise.
"Who are you," they ask, quite reasonably.
"I'm--" you start, but then you stop because you find yourself not quite sure anymore.
[[i'm ada->ada]]
[[i'm not sure->uncertain]]
<div align=center><h3>author's notes</h3></div>
So, first off, thank you for playing, I know it was probably at least a little frustrating (there's a reason I wrote a game guide without being asked), but I hope you found it worth it.
I want to acknowledge a huge influence on this game, which is "The Beginner's Guide". I played it and it inspired me to start creating again, and so I kind of owe this entire game to it.
Thanks to everyone who supports me through my creative process, and thanks to you for playing this. If you liked this game, maybe share it with your friends and acquaintances.
There are four other endings to this game, three of which you get by messing up and one of which you can get just by being thorough, so feel free to replay to get those alternate endings.
"Can I leave," you ask.
"Of course," says Clarence. "Legally, you are allowed to leave at any time you wish. I wouldn't recommend it, before the study is over, however."
The scientist looks, if possible, even more displeased. It looks like he wants to say something, but is holding his tongue, for whatever reason.
You had meant if you could leave the office, since your curiosity has been piqued and you want to know all you can about this "project" you apparently decided to be a part of. You don't say that, though, in case they try to stop you from getting to the bottom of this.
"Thank you. Uh. Bye?"
Stephen moves as if to stop you, but Clarence holds his arm out in warning.
[[leave the office->hallway3right]]
I'm not at the next door yet, but I just wanted to check in. How's the game going? Well, I hope.
[[it's a little weird->weird]]
You turn and find yourself in an empty hallway. There aren't any doors or signs-- there's nothing.
Any other day you probably wouldn't find that so unnerving.
(if: (history:) contains "hallway5right")[Up ahead is a turn to the right.
[[take the turn->hallway3left]]]
(else:)[Up ahead is a turn to the right.
[[take the turn->hallway5left]]]
(if: (history:) contains "hallway5right")[More non-descript hallway.
Up ahead is a turn to the left.
[[take the turn->hallway4left]]](else:)[To your right is a sign reading Hallway 13. You're really kind of beginning to question how these hallways are numbered.
To your left is another hallway, or you can just continue down this one.
[[go straight->hallway5right]]
[[take the turn->hallway6]]]
(if: (history:) contains "hallway5left")[Up ahead is a turn to your right.
[[take the turn->hallway4right]]](else:)[A sign to your left tells you that this is Hallway 13.
To your right is another hallway, or you can continue down this one.
[[go straight->hallway5left]]
[[take the turn->hallway6]]]
(if: (history:) contains "hallway6")[You are more than ready to go down this hallway toward the unknown.]
(if: (history:) contains "hallway7")[
Unfortunately, that damned door won't open for you. Maybe you're missing something.
](else:)[Before you go too far down this hall, though, you kind of want to check in with yourself. Assess the situation, or whatever.
](if: (history:) contains "hallway6")[ [[reassess the situation->assess the situation]]](else:)[ [[assess the situation]]]
[[go straight->hallway7]]
[[turn left->hallway5right]]
[[turn right->hallway5left]]
(if: (history:) contains "hallway7")[So. The door won't open. You're certain you're missing something, for whatever reason. The door could just be locked, for all you know. Something tells you , though, that, like getting out of your room, there's a way around this. You reassess the situation.
Overall, you think you're doing pretty well. You're not hungry or tired, and taking those pills earlier seemed to do nothing-- or, well. Maybe you've been a little... sharper? And you do feel more energized and focused than you have for a while.
You take a look through your pockets.
You have:(if: $flashlight is "yes")[
a flashlight (if: $batteries > 0)[and $batteries batteries]](if: $tape is 1)[
one roll of tape](elseif: $tape > 1)[$tape rolls of tape](if: $gauze is 1)[
one square of gauze](elseif: $gauze > 1)[$gauze squares of gauze](if: $scalpel is 1)[
a scalpel](elseif: $scalpel > 1)[$scalpel scalpels](if: $file is "yes")[
folded papers from your [[file]]](if: $bottle is "yes")[
a pill bottle labelled "''SYNTH''"]
[[take a pill->pill2]]
[[go down the hallway->hallway6]]
(set: $pill to $pill + 1)You take a pill. No immediate effect but you're pretty sure it'll pay off. So far that's kind of how your day has been going. Things paying off.
[[take another->pill2]]
[[put the bottle away->assess the situation]]
Oh. Not in a bad way, I hope!
I know we worked very hard on this.
Ah-- Royal we. Meaning... people... You know the one.
//Talking to this person raises far more questions than answers-- it feels like they're full of information they're not telling you, like there's some terrible secret that'll come out any minute now. You, for obvious reasons, don't like that.//
[[nothing we can do about it->hallway]]
You make your way down the hallway. At the end, directly in front of you, is a door.
[[go through the door->halldoor2]]
(set: $name to "yes")
"I'm Ada," you say in a tone of voice that you hope is kind.
"Leah," the person in the bed responds.
"Nice to meet you." You don't add the "I hope" that you're thinking.
(set: $name to "no")"I'll be perfectly honest with you. I'm not even sure who I am anymore. It's... been a long and confusing day."
"Uh... okay..." the person in the bed responds. "I'm Leah."
"Nice to meet you," you respond, not adding the "I hope" that you're thinking.
"Did you escape? You're dressed like me so I'm assuming you're a patient here too."
You contemplate the word "escape" for a moment, and wonder what Leah knows. What she remembers, whether there's good reason to want to escape. You want to ask, but, really, you only just met.
"Yeah. I was in room eight.
The room you find yourself in is dark.
Incredibly dark.
Like "can't see your own hand" level dark.
(if: $flashlight is "yes")[You're really grateful that you grabbed that flashlight. You switch it on and nothing happens. Oh, right. Duh. (if: $batteries > 0)[
(set: $flashlighton to "yes")(set: $batteries to $batteries - 1)You open the battery compartment and pop in one of the batteries from your pocket. The flashlight comes to life immediately.
[[shine flashlight into room->halldoor1A]]
[[head back out->hallway3left]]](if: $batteries is 0)[
You don't have any batteries, which is a real shame.
[[continue anyway->halldoor1A]]
[[head back out->hallway3left]]]](else:)[You really wish you had a flashlight right about now. Oh well.
[[continue anyway->halldoor1A]]
[[head back out->hallway3left]]]
(if: $pill >= 13)[You open the door (you're only a little surprised).
[[walk in->room]]](else:)[You turn the knob-- or well, you try to, at any rate.
[[why won't the door open->hallway6]][[?->how11]]]
(if: $pill >= 8)[(if: $door2 is "barricaded")[You pull the chair away from the door and put it back in the corner. (set: $door2 to "no")]You open the door and head out into the [[hallway]].
A few steps out, you realize that Leah isn't following you.
"Aren't you coming with?" you ask, concerned. Why wouldn't she want to escape?
"No, sorry. Good luck though," she says, and she sounds like she means it.](else:)[It's locked. Great. You check and see the same "EAT ME" scratched into the plastic that you saw on your door. You still think it's pretty rude.
[[keep looking around->explore]]]
(if: $yes1 is "yes")[(if: $yes2 is "yes")[(if: $yes3 is "yes")[Hey, so I'm at the fourth door.
Got the combo? Looks like this one needs five digits.
[[no...->hallway]]](else:)[Hey, still here at the third door. Any luck?
[[not yet->hallway]]]](else:)[Any progress on this second door yet?
[[no->begin]]]](else:)[Still here at this first door... Any luck yet?
Leah's room is set up pretty much the same way as yours was, only the picture is different(if: $door2 is "barricaded")[.
There's a chair pushed under the door handle.
](else:)[, and there's a chair in one of the corners, too.
[[barricade door]]]
[[check out the cabinet->cabinet2]]
[[look at painting]]
[[take a pill->pill3]]
(if: $scalpel is 2)[ (link: "give leah a scalpel")[(go-to: "scalpel")(set: $scalpel to 1)]]
[[the combination is...->combination4]]
(set: $combo4 to (prompt:"enter combination"))
(if: $combo4 is "45189")[It worked.
...I'm so close. I just wanted to say thank you for all of your help, I couldn't have done this without you. Truly.
[[no problem->hallway]]
[[what exactly am i doing->how12]]](else:)[Nope, not that...
[[try again->combination4]]
What do you mean, what are you doing?
You're helping me get free--- helping me out of this prison they've kept me in for so long.
You still want to help, right?
[[yes, of course->hallway]]
You find yourself in a room, as you often have before.
This one has a kind of atrium-like feeling to it, but it's mostly empty except for three doors-- one to your left, one to your right, and one in front of you.
[[left door->doorA]]
[[right door->doorB]]
[[center door->doorC]]
(set: $combo5 to (prompt: "enter combination"))
(if: $combo5 is "04-10-06-05")[
(set: $release to "yes")](elseif: $combo5 is "04100605")[
(set: $release to "yes")](else:)[
It didn't work... Please, please, //please// find this combination, it's the last one, I'm almost free.
[[try again->combination5]]
[[keep looking->room]]]
(if: $yes1 is "yes")[(if: $yes2 is "yes")[(if: $yes3 is "yes")[(if: $yes4 is "yes")[Okay. I'm at... I'm at the last door.
Everything has been leading up to this...
Do you know the combination... Looks like it's eight digits long.
[[got it right here->yescombo5]]
[[not yet, sorry...->room]]]
(else:)[I'm here at the fourth door. I'm anxious as hell. Do you have the combo? I think there's only one more after this one.
(else:)[I'm here at the third door.
[[got the combo->yescombo3]]
[[i don't know it yet->begin]]]]
(else:)[At the second door. I need a ten-digit combo.
[[got it->yescombo2]]
[[nothing yet->begin]]]]
(else:)[Still stuck here at the first door. Any luck???
What is it?
[[the combination is...->combination5]]
I know I said I'd stop interrupting you, but it's exciting to see you get this far. And I just wanted to check in with you.
I'm not to the next door yet, but that's okay. Slow and steady, you know? How about you? How goes it?
[[well, i think->how13A]]
Maybe you're whoever you need to be.
Just spitballing here. Sorry for interrupting again.
The door is locked.
You look in the mirror and realize how long it's been since you last did so. There were no mirrors in your room, and who knows how long you've been here.
You look tired, above all else, and far older than you feel. That last part might be because of the $pill pills you've taken-- they seem to make you feel sharper, more energetic. Better, overall.
[[who are you]][[?->how14]]
(if: $release is "yes")[You look at the machine. It's sleek and spotless.
You get the feeling that you need to turn it off and, miracle of miracles, there is a large switch on the front of it.
(if: $shutoff is 2)[ [[shut off machine]]](else:)[(link: "shut off machine")[(set: $shutoff to $shutoff + 1)
(go-to: (either: ...(history:)))]
]](elseif: $release is "no")[You look at the machine. It's sleek and spotless.
You get the feeling that you need to turn it off, but see no way of doing so, not a single switch or even a discernible power source.
Maybe you [[missed something->room]][[?->how19]]]
(set: $zombocom to (prompt: "enter combination"))
(if: $combo6 < 3)[(link: "try again")[(set: $combo6 to $combo6 + 1)(go-to: "shut off machine")
(if: $combo6 >= 3)[You're pretty sure you don't know the combination. You do, however, see a cord coming out of the back of the machine.
(if: $scalpel > 0)[ [[cut the cord]]](if: $scalpel is 0)[You're really regretting not grabbing those scalpels from your room.
* author's notes
* game guide (maybe finish the game first???)
<!-- vigenere cipher with key "SYNTH" -->
You unfold the file and look at the first page.
It looks like an admit report, and a short one at that, but most of it is in some sort of code.
<blockquote>//''ADMIT REPORT''
''SUBJECT'': Ada V.
Ksoclur nwtargxk lm FRULF ckvbcpm mgp fxcwpr glmpne kwergljygbvf dbesguvgn vcnmo. Xyzbsq abgzwlg phk momhalrw ag fnkcwqg mow zetpf. YQT-C emqxs slqkvab hllv rb avmqr mow zetpf. Qhuqwag ppdj ox vf gamystrgvmq FRULF hgaaj fnjz rvfl sq fnibcpm lpggl wgqg-wlsru vvey. Shsdmjbuy rubz, gpne aszyxak yex ywabftwlqxk.
''SIGNED'': K. Vigènere//</blockquote>
[[look at the rest of it->file2]]
(set: $door2 to "barricaded")You take the chair from the corner and put it in front of the door, tucking the back under the door handle. You know, like they do in movies.
You feel a little bit safer.
[[look around more->explore]]
You head down the hallway, this time in the other direction.
At the end is a large door that, in your opinion, looks a hell of a lot like a way out of here.
[[try the door]]
[[head back->hallway]]
(if: $flashlighton is "yes")[You shine your flashlight around the room and find-- mostly a whole lot of nothing. Or you assume it's a whole lot of nothing, because the flashlight beam doesn't reach the walls, so after a few feet it's just more darkness.
You know darkness doesn't have a weight, but it feels heavy.
[[where am i->halldoor1B]][[?->how13]]
](else:)[It is really, really, //really// dark in here, way too dark to see. You don't feel comfortable continuing, if you're being honest.
[[head back out->hallway3left]]]
This cabinet, has three drawers, just like yours did.
(if: (history:) contains "top2")[](else:)[ [[top drawer->top2]]
](if: (history:) contains "middle2")[](else:)[ [[middle drawer->middle2]]
](if: (history:) contains "bottom2")[](else:)[ [[bottom drawer->bottom2]]]
[[keep looking around->explore]]
You open the top drawer of the cabinet and find, just like in yours, a pill bottle labelled ''SYNTH''. Only, on this one, someone has written ''8'' instead of the ''4'' that's on the one in your pocket.
You open it and look inside and see more of the same small, white pills.
You toss the bottle over to Leah, who is still in her bed, and it lands at her feet.
"I think you'll need to take these if you want to get out of here," you say.
She says nothing.
[[keep looking->cabinet2]]
You look in the middle drawer(if: (history:) contains "middle2")[](else:)[, and find six batteries].
(if: $flashlight is "yes")[Awesome! Hopefully these will work with the flashlight you found earlier.](else:)[If only there were something useful in here...]
(link: "take batteries")[(set: $batteries to $batteries + 6)(go-to: "middle2")]
[[keep looking->cabinet2]]
You open the bottom drawer and find a file labelled "''Leah V.''", which makes you all the more confident about your name being Ada.
It's nice to feel sure about something. You've missed that feeling a lot.
You pick up the file and open it, even though that's pretty invasive of your new friend's privacy.
[[read file]]
There's a single page in the file, and unlike yours it's not in code.
Or you remembered how to read. Either way.
It says:
<blockquote>//''ADMIT REPORT''
''SUBJECT'': Leah M.
Subject admitted to SYNTH trial for signs of neural degeneration. Due to advanced state of degeneration, subject was unable to consent and guardian consent was obtained instead. Subject has reacted well to initial dosage.
''SIGNED'': Dr. Stephen North//</blockquote>
Neural degeneration? And there's the name SYNTH again. Must be what they're calling the drug.
[[keep looking->cabinet2]]
You look at the painting. It's not quite as hideous as the one in your room, but it comes pretty close.
There's nothing too interesting about it, not even a date or signature.
[[keep looking around->explore]]
(set: $pill to $pill + 1)You take another pill from the bottle in your pocket.
Like before, you don't feel different in any way you can tell, but also like before you figure it's not hurting anything. Yet, anyway.
[[take another->pill3]]
[[keep looking around->explore]]
You walk up to the door and try to open it.
It doesn't budge. The handle will turn, but you push and pull it and still nothing happens.
[[go back->hallway]]
Would it have killed them to be neater with this file?
And not put it in code? How annoying.
[[i'm trying to play here->hallway]]
It's a metaphor, silly.
Do we have any choice but to continue?
Do I dare and do I dare and something about peaches.
I can't tell you how amazing it feels to be this close to freedom. But-- it hurts, too, since I'm not quite there yet.
I am [[so close->how18]].
Against your better judgment, you head further into the room.
After a moment or so, your flashlight beam illuminates a filing cabinet.
The rest of the pages you grabbed are charts and graphs but, even though they're in plain English, you still can't make heads or tails of them.
This is really inconvenient for you, to be honest.
[[what do they mean]][[?->how15]]
You open the door on your right.
It leads to a hallway with a single door at the end.
God, you're getting so tired of all these doors and hallways and everything.
[[should i continue->doorA2]][[?->how17]]
(if: (history:) contains "how16")[You try the door again. This time--- this time it opens.
Behind it is a small room with bare walls and a cement floor.
In the center, illuminated solely by the light behind you, is a corpse.
Don't scream.
(if: (history: contains "halldoor3A"))[It looks just like you.]
When they finally find you (did you really think no one was looking for you?), you've passed out on the floor in front of the open door. They take you back to your room.
You don't try to escape again.
](else:)[You try the door to your left.
It's locked.
Aren't you just so tired of locked doors[[?->how16]]]
You open the door and are in what looks like a boiler room.
Only, no boilers, just a large and humming machine.
[[what next?->how18]]
(if: $cut is 5)[You start cutting through the electrical cord using your scalpel (with some gauze wrapped around it to protect you at least a little).
You get about halfway through before [[the blade breaks off->broken]].](else:)[(set: $cut to $cut + 1)(go-to:"how20")]
Don't do this.
[[cut the cord]]
<div align=center>
(live: 0.25s)[
(if: $broken < 100)[(set: $broken to $broken + 1)(either: "s̶̨͔̬̭̝̥͈̺̘ͥ ̶̴̼͉̙͓̙̗͚͈͛ᴛ̇̉̿̅̏҉͞͏̥͍ ̷̙̞̯͉̱̻̱͕̂ᴏ̤̤̦̥̺̩̠̹̫̂̅ͩͩ̇̐ͩ́̕ ͎̻̩͎̰͊̔̎ͩ͂ᴘ̢̨̫̼̤̣̂ͣ̂", "s̛̤̠̬͔ͪ̾ͨͫͥ̔ͦ̑̈ͪ̄̎̉ͤͬ͐́ͭ͟ ̵̨̛̭̯̪̖̝̩̙͈͉̺̦͎̥͚̩ͪͨ̋͋̅̀ͣͯͮͬ̄͋̅̽ͤᴛ̴̨̖͉̼̤͕͖̼̼̫̠̞̠̳̠̐͐ͧ́͘ ̵̵̧̗͍̜̳̫̩̩̭̪͕͎̜̹̙̟̩̏͌ͦ̔ͣ͆͐̒ͤͯ͑̍̒͑̚͘ͅᴏ̽ͩͧ̄̊̀͏̦̱̺̦̙̘̰̱̲ ̸̨̛̛̱̱̥̺͙̱̲͈̼͎ͪ͐̄̈́̌͆͋͒͌̽ͫͮͪ̔̓́̓ͧͮ͢ᴘ̶̛̞̗̼̟̩͎̾ͩ͑̑ͧ̋̏͆ͨͧͦ͗ͨ͟", "s̠̻̳̦̜̙͗̎ͤ̈́ͫͩͪ͌̐͋̓́̚͘͢͞ ̧̗͇͍̖̲̬̾̆̐ͩ̄̋̔͆ͪ̏̂ͪ̚͟͝͡ᴛ̷̢͇̰̥̙̩̬̪̠̟̫̞̮̠̻̳̺ͯͫͤ̍͑͛̋͢ͅ ̵̵͉͕͖̥̟̗͍̤̗̬̰͕̤͛̏ͭͣ̆͊̾ͩ̅̐̿̓ͩ͒̚ᴏ̨̧ͯ̓̑̎ͭ̏̇̒̄̌ͯ͛ͫ҉̝͓̤͎͇̞̪̬̭͍̳̞̯̀ ̿͌ͥͮ͆̆ͥͥ̋͗͒ͯ͒̍͏̷͙̗̞̥̬͜ͅᴘ̢̢͎̜̣̘̻̱̝̙̫̲͈̻̟̰͎̰͙̣̲̓ͨ̂ͯ̏̌͂ͭ̀̔͊͜͞
", "s̷͔̞͙̙͇̰̼̯̜̰̒͗̄͗ͦ̄̀̄̆̋̅̅ͨ͛̈̚͘͡͠ ̴̭̘̹̭͇͔̟͖̗̖̗̳̖̺̭ͧ͑̽͌̓̓ͪ̔͑͊̌̋͂̒ͯͥ̏ͧ́̚ᴛ̷̨̹͍̻̤͕͔̘͖͈̹̭͎̬̟͉͊̈̐̊̿̍ͭͣͫ͆͌̀͜͠ͅ ̶̶͓̩͍̤͓̰̟̜͈̮̣͔̞͇͔̖͙͉̊ͮ̆ͫ̈́̈́̾̆͒͑ͫ̒̏̓͝ͅᴏͥ̑͆́͏̵̜̩͉̱͔͉̮͇̙͖̳̦̦̮͉̺̀ ̑ͣ͆̈͗ͥ͛̇̃ͫͤͨ̑̀̾͝͏̨̩̜̖̯͇̣͎͓͎̥̠̱̗̬ᴘ̶̷̞̼̺̝̟̖̇ͪͤͨ̾̓̈͐̈̽́̚", "ṡ͛̑̈ͮ̾̃ͯ͏͈͓̼͖̫̼͎͈͚̭̀͟͠ ̆̉ͩͤ̆͂̓ͮ̐͐̾͌͑̇̍̈̆҉͕̠̙͍̪̫̤̲̤͖̞̝̳̝͎̣͇͇͝ᴛ̨̢͚̞͙̣͇͇͚̖̲̃̍ͦͥ̇̌̈̀̑ͫ̈́̽͒́ͧ͑ͪ̽̚͜ ̴̼̟͍̳̫̬̪̜̖͓̠̰ͦ̈́ͧ͆͊͆̐̋̌ͥ̽͛̃ͮ̐̀̕͜ᴏ̴̞͚̖̫̟̻̱ͨ͋̓̾ͨ̎̿͐ͤ̎̓̀̍͗̑̑̈͢͡ ̷̶̡̡͈̻̱͊̽ͥ́͊ͪ̎ͧᴘ̮̝̞̰̩̣̯͚͈̗̠̻̹͕̮̳́̐̓̔ͤ͂ͬ͜", "ᴘ̨̼̳̖̗̤̮̙͓͎̝̬̮͕̞͖͇͒͒̾̈́ͫ̄̈́̅ͥ̽̄̏̊̏̎̅͑̚̚͘͢ ̶̨̢̳̟̭̱͎̳̩̺̠͙̻͎̺̌ͤ̿̉̄͜ʟ̸̨̩̬̙̟̤̹̜̺̬̩̞̘̪̙͋̄ͤ͆̓̆̈̽́͟ ̜̠̤̺͚͙̹͈̱͙̫̪̞̗̙͎̈́̉̔͗̀͞ᴇ̇̒̓̾ͣ͐̎́͂̉ͯ҉͇̭̼͜ ̽̎̓̊͒ͦ̍̏̾͑̐̔̉̅̅͑́̚͜͞҉̛̰̮̭̼ᴀ̢ͥͮͫ͌ͭ͊̾̌ͣ͡͏̖̭͔̲̖̜̫͍͘ ̨̢͉͍̭͍̟̠͎͕̗͇̤͎̙͚́̉ͦ̿ͯ̓̔̍̀̽͂̀̕͘s̷ͪ͗͊̏͊̈ͨ́̇͂ͤ͊̃ͥ̋̈́ͭ̿ͮ҉̗̠̪͈̼̯̯͓̜̣̱̰͉̱̫̻͖͢͜ ̵̷͂̈́̏̈́ͯ̎͐͊͠͏͓̱̮͖̦̜̩̦͎̥͉ͅᴇ̡̡̥͎̟̲͈̻͙̟̱̮ͬ͒̆ͤͬ̽̃ͫ̒͌̐ͭ͌̃̆̄̓͡", "ᴘ̢̮̦͎̬͚̾ͤ̇͛ͣ̿̒̅͆̉̊ͦͪ̽̂̈́͝ ̷̮̥͍͓͍̹͒̿̈́̎̄͊̎ͯ̈̄̾ͥͪ͛̒͌ͯ̏̀͘͢͠ʟ̴ͣ̌ͭ͌ͥ͛̓ͥ͊̈́͗͂ͦ̐̾͘͝͏̷̳̬͙ͅ ̷̨̢̪͓̬̫̫̻͉̗̭̇̽̾ͦͬ͋͛̋̋͗̽͌̊̈́͐ͥ͋́̚͢ᴇ̆́̔͆͘҉̷̢̢̣̪͖̹͚̩̬̝̯̻ͅ ̡̛̳̺̫̍ͦͨ̓ͣ̄͒ͤͯ͛͊͌ͨ̚̕͠ᴀ̄ͣ̋̒̍̐̾̀͑͐̃͑̈̆̊̔̃ͫ̈́͏̡̱͚̹̙̦͍̜̥̮̠̣̹̮͖͚̙͍ͅ ͌ͨͩͩͩ̓҉̹̤͖̥̭̺͉̜̟͖͇̜̦̤̀͘͜ś̶̰̪̜̼͎ͥͦ̉͛̽̾͛̚͢͠͝ ̷͚̝͕̭͉̞͖̪̭̠̬̝̭̲̼̲͍̞̗̔̉̍ͣ̾͗̄̅͛ͮ͒̆̑̓̌ͮ́͘ᴇ̵̡̨̝͚̘͔ͦͯͩͭ́͡", "ᴘ̸͚̱͙̜̹̲̪̮̻͖͇͔̏̐̋̒̿ͬ̉͊̒ͯ͛͂̐̋ͮ͋ͮ̆ͮ͝ͅͅ ̡̙̘͙͙͓̙̝̙̱͖̳̗̥ͬ͆̈́̇̑͛͊̇̇͒ͭ̋̚͜ͅʟ̵͕̻͈̩̩̗͚̬̎̒ͭ͗͋̊̽̇͟͞ ̶̵̢͇͓̬̤͑̽̇ͩ̓̓͂̄ͮ̚ᴇͩͮ́͒̃̑͒͗̃̽ͫͭ͑͆͏̛̬̘̥͎͍̯̬͖̝̥̹̰̠͓̙̮͢͡ ͬ̿̀ͩ͛̀͞͏̻̻̯̖͉̙̞͙̳̠̝̣̜͚͚ᴀ̷̨̗̮͚͍̤̮̯̼̘̰͚̯̆͋ͤ̄̀ͅͅ ̸̴̨̫̱͉̼̗͚̺̼̰͙̟̅̍ͫ̔ͣ̈̈́ͤ͟s͎̪̪̳̖̣͉͕̜͓͈͎̗̈̌̏̍͂̑ͬ͒͂ͮͧ͌̅̒̀͜ͅͅ ̶̵̛ͮͥͦ҉̴̣͎̪̫̼͔̫̹̟̟̮̝̤̫ᴇ̷̴̨̻̪̲̱̙̗̜͎̭̞̣̇ͩ͛̄̿̊̿̄ͮ̌̔̓͑̔̿͛̐̚̚̕", "ᴘ̴̷̟̦͎̪̤̲̂̈́ͮ̾̐̐̓͒ͧ̍̋ͤͬͧ̓̄ ̶̢̫͉͇̥̬͌ͬ̎͋ͫͧ̎̑ͮ̃ͭ̉ͤͦ́ʟ̶̧̻̹̼͓̮̣͉̮͓̹̗̣͍̩̝̻̩͈͑̑͊ͧ̓͌ͦ̈́̈́ͣͥ͆̊͐̎ͥ͑̚͘͜ ̢͓̝̝͙̙͖̥̱͇̪̤̟̲̹̺͇͈͍̑̈͛ͯͭ͐͑͛̐̏ͬ̏̾͋̓͐̚͢͠ᴇ͒ͮͤͤͣͥ̑̋̃̔ͬ̀҉̨͍̥̫̘̞̭̗̮͎̩̜̯͖̰͟͠ͅ ̵̛̗̱̲͓̖͇̻̬͚̦̤̦͓̇͛ͧͯ͆̔ͅᴀ̷̢̙͖͖̦̱̠̱͈̫̘͈̯̦̻̄̽̅̌ͣͫ̔͊̏̽́̚͝ ̵̱͍͔̙̬͓̭̣̦̱̻͈͙ͣ̓́̏ͣ́̀s̨̡̺͓̣͈͓͈͂ͭ͗͒̋̎̄͋ͨ̾ͣ͌͞ͅ ̢̡̣̹̜͙̮̠̬̫̥͈̳͔̩̼̟̈́̐̉̑͂͌͑̓́͟͞ᴇ̡̖̰̰̬̪͉̤̻̘̗̊̾͒ͯͯ̔̏͋̀ͬ̇ͯ̾́͘͞", "ᴘ̸̙̗̯̹̟̲̥͂͑͑́ͅ ̴̡͎͚̜͓̠̘̗̖ͨ̈́͋ͥ́ͪ̅̐̀͋̑̓͑ͧ͛̉͠ͅʟ̡̠̫̳͎̠͚̞͚̬̳̘̬̲̩̟̬͚ͨ̓̔̑̊͊͗ͣͦͮͫ͟ ̨̢͂̓̓̎ͩ̐ͫ͂́҉͈̣̭͙̀ᴇ̂̒ͭͭ̓ͥ̂ͨ̈́̅͗҉̨͕͕̫̰͎̥̙̮̥̜͉̰̫͚̝͉̰̳͠ ̨̹̱͍̣̠̥͚͈͕͖̯̮̠͔̲̑̽͊ͪ̂ͧͬ͒̐̓̅͑́͠ͅᴀ͋̄͗̊ͦͪ̓ͣ̃̉̓̄̽̀̎͋ͩ̈̇҉̶̤̻̯̙͓̩̬̗̱͈̱͔̬̥̘͖͓̱͝ͅ ̡͈͖͉̻̦̳̫̤̝̜̭͎͎͓͆͋͐͒ͨͮͬ̓́͊̐̒̍͘͜͞š̡́ͥͫ͏̺̩̯͙͍̠̼̹̝̳̥ ̴͈̳͍̩̣̪͈̫̝̼̖̈́͛̂̎̾͊́͢ᴇ̶̝̻̤̤̫̯̫̦ͤ͐̉̔̂̾̐͒̋̽̕ͅ")]
(else:)[(stop:) [[s̢̐̓͛̑̃ͧ̚҉̵̩̰̟̰̩ ̠̯̫̺̜̫̝͆͗̓ͦ̽̕ͅͅᴛ̡̜͇̤͖͎̞̗̪̗̐ͭ̿̎̚ ̷͈̲̞̩̲̟͂͂̿̄ͫͦ̒ͮᴏ̠̻͇̞̜ͧ̓ͤ̓̚͠ ̧̹̩̟̼͇̰͓͋ͣ̍ͮͥ̓́͝ᴘ̧̙̞͍̘̟ͬ̌̒̓͂̈̒̃]]]]
(if: $scalpel is 1)[You take out your second (and last) scalpel. You managed to get about halfway through the cord before the first one broke, so you're fairly confident you can finish the job.
You start back in on the cord, and hear a voice. It's metallic and wavering and staticky, and you're not quite sure where it's coming from.
[[?->how24]]](else:)[You regret now giving Leah your scalpel. Especially since she didn't even come with you. There's really nothing you can do now.
You head back to your room, defeated.
''£¬ŌŌ̰Ǝ̜å͐ʭÏ͙ ̗͍ạ̌ŘˋlȔĜʈǬˁÃŦ ɆšƅŁ''
<div align=center>(text-rotate:180)[y̭ͬͬo̷ͬͬu̧ͬͬ'̢ͬͬrͬ̆ͬe᷂᷿ͬ᷁ͬͬͬ kͬͭͬi̝ͬͬlͬ̓ͬlͬ̊ͬiͬ̓ͬnͬ̾ͬg̷ͬͬ mͬͬ͞eͬ̋ͬ
[[keep going]]</div>
''ѹЛӗЬнХҳЦдѶӂЖҍѤѫҧӖӄԜзӢ҅Ѽоѓ ҉ЅԏѓҀԔҢѱѹҌСЇиѫѪ҄҈ҀѥптщқҾґӨԂФ ԋмӤщбҡѶС''
//please don't do this the story always goes like this and i'm so tired i just wanted to be free but it's the same always the same every time//
[[finish the job]]
You walk up to the filing cabinet and open a drawer.
You open another.
Yet a third drawer.
Emp-- oh, wait, no, there's a single file folder in this one.
[[read it]]
You pull out the folder and open it up, tucking your flashlight between your head and shoulder.
There are four pages of charts that you can't make any sense of, and several pages that are just lists of names.
By your estimation, there are at least 100 names.
You find the L's and trace your finger down.
Yep, there's an Ada L.
There's a ''YES'' next to your name, but no other information.
The flashlight starts to flicker.
[[get outta there->hallway3left]]
You wish you knew anymore.
You wish someone would tell you who you are-- though, if you don't know, how can you expect someone else to?-- or at least what exactly is going on, but you aren't going to count on it.
You're in a bathroom. You wonder how anyone in this place finds anything, what with the complete lack of labelling.
There's not a lot in there, just a toilet, a paper towel dispenser, and a sink with a mirror above it.
[[look in the mirror->halldoor3A]]
Oh good. Glad to hear it.
I'll let you get back to it then.
I'm so excited to finally be free.
You saw through the last few fibers of the electrical cord, and the room goes black.
You hear a noise like a dial-up modem met static and they got along really well.
[[author's notes->AN]]
You open the door.
It opens into a lab, empty right now but clearly in use, generally.
You want to explore it, but-- you have the feeling that you're running out of time, for some reason.
Maybe later, after you've finished whatever task is making you feel this way.
All the locked doors. Obviously.
You'll never find all the answers, and you'll never know what you're missing.
this is the first time i've had a real idea in months-- years maybe-- and i think i hate myself for that
the urge to create is there but the ideas aren't always and i don't know what to do about that.
i know that creativity has its lulls but i feel. broken. frustrated. bad. for not being able to come up with as many ideas as this urge wants me to.
but i guess there's no use beating myself up about it.
no one will find this and that's ok.
like i said, you never know what youre missing
"Here," you say, holding out one of your scalpels to Leah. "Just in case you need to defend yourself."
She doesn't take it, so you just set it on her bed.
[[keep looking around->explore]]
I just said you have no idea what they mean...
[[right.->assess the situation]]